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Opening ceremony for motorway at Suwon Station, award from Minister of Public Administration and Safety


A ceremony was held on July 2 to mark the opening of a motorway that detours the Suwon State, built by Ssangyong Engineering and Construction Co.

About 800 people attended the ceremony, including Kim Yong-seo, mayor of Suwon City, Hong Ki-heon, chairman of the Suwon City assembly, Ssangyong Engineering executive vice president Yang Seung-won and residents. The ceremony featured a performance of traditional folk music, a report on construction, a welcoming speech, a congratulatory message, a tape-cutting and an inspection of the motorway.

Before the opening ceremony, Ssangyong Engineering received an award from the Minister of Public Administration and Safety on June 30 for its role in successfully completing the motorway and helping the development of local motorways.

Meanwhile, Ssangyong Engineering built the 3.5-kilometer underground motorway that links Hwaseo-dong, Jangan-gu to Sedun-dong, Kwonseon-gu and Suwon city.

Construction began in December 2003. Once Ssangyong has completed expanding a former six-lane motorway to the eight-land motorway, it is expected to help ease traffic jams nearby the Suwon Station by allowing drivers to pass the 2.7-kilometer way in nine minutes from the current 17 minutes.