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Ssangyong Engineering awarded for $30 billion overseas orders


The Minister of Construction and Transportation awarded Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co. for its achievement of winning US$30 billion overseas orders a year.

Forty-two years after making inroads into foreign markets, Ssangyong Engineering’s annual overseas construction orders passed the $30-billion-mark. At the award-winning ceremony, Ssangyong Engineering briefly talked about the achievement, displayed advertising clips and the minister awarded the top 10 builders in terms of overseas orders over the past three years.

Since last year, Ssangyong Engineering has pushed operations to regain its reputation as a top builder of construction projects overseas. In 1998, Ssangyong Engineering ranked second in the world in a list of hotel-construction ranked by ENR magazine. Currently, Ssangyong Engineering’s overseas order backlog stands at $6.2 billion, including a 10,000-room hotel.

In particular, Ssangyong Engineering won a $680 million order to build the “Marina Bay Sands Hotel” in Singapore, a main project of the Singaporean government’s state Marina Bay Sands resort operations. In addition, Ssangyong Engineering won orders to build a road in Indonesia and a port in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, about 100 dignitaries attended the ceremony, which was organized the Association of Overseas Construction and sponsored by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation. The participants included Lee Yong-seop, Minister of Construction and Transportation, Rep. Kang Kil-boo of the parliamentary committee of construction and transportation and Kim Seung-joon, senior vice president of Ssangyong Engineering.