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The world acknowledges upgraded advances in construction techniques of Ssangyong E&C


Korean construction companies are building future cities of the world. The construction expert behind changing skylines in major cities in Asia and Middle-east is Ssangyong E&C who is much more famous outside Korea.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore, so called 'Construction miracle of the 21st century' has a structure distinct from others. Two 52 degrees slanted buildings lean into each other at 70 meters (23rd floor) from the ground and rises to 55 stories, which the world recognizes as the hardest, most advanced construction ever. This is because the world has never seen before such construction techniques such as Post-tension and Temporary Bracing used to build a structure that is slanted 10 times more than the Tower of Pisa in Italy whose tilt angle is 5.5 degrees. This hotel is the masterpiece of Ssangyong E&C.

Ssangyong E&C, who graduated the revival process last year, accepted Investment Corporation of Dubai (ICD) whom with the asset reaching 217 billion dollars as the largest shareholder last year. This change brought 3 large-size constructions that were 2 billion dollars in scale. This year, the company won the bid for 300 million dollar worth subway construction in Singapore. Ssangyong surely is setting its foot on the overseas construction market. As soon as the ICD proposed a vision to make Ssangyong E&C a world class constructor, a plan to propel a Triangular Hub strategy that connects Dubai, Singapore, and Korea is under progress.

In Dubai, where more than 120 skyscrapers (construction cost of 55 billion dollars) have been constructed in the last 9 years, Ssangyong won 3 major projects, each worth 2 billion dollars, at the same time. To be called a skyscraper, a building has to be taller than 200 meters or 50 stories or higher.

Although the future for construction market looks grim, Ssangyong E&C has placed 13 branches and 5 corporation around the world, and the company is currently under construction of 22 different projects in 8 different countries including Dubai, Singapore and Malaysia. The company is a global construction expert that completed more than 145 construction projects that are worth 11 billion dollars in Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc.), Middle-East (Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia), America, Japan, and Africa since the foundation of 1977. So far, the company has records of constructing the total of more than 1,500 luxurious guestrooms in the hotels such as Marina Bay Sands and Raffles City Hotel of Singapore, Jumeirah Emirates Tower of Dubai, as well as 8,000 beds for hospitals around the world. Even at the current stage, the company is working on more than 22 projects (total cost of 3 billion dollars) in 8 different locations around the globe

[Reporter In Oh Kim]