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Ssangyong E&C's revival: Public employment 2 years in a row


Ssangyong E&C, who graduated the revival process last year, is on a roll to regain its impaired reputation. This year is the second consecutive year that the company is recruiting new members. On the 16th of March, they announced that the company is recruiting about 50 new members in the areas of construction, electric, mechanical, and plant according to the business world. Applications will be received online and the applicants who passes through the documentation shall have a job aptitude test, physical check-up and will be interviewed twice.

Ssangyong E&C, who was very productive in the Middle East and Singapore, accepted Investment Corporation of Dubai (ICD) whom with the asset reaching 188 billion dollars as the largest shareholder last year. This change brought 3 large-size constructions that were 2 billion dollars in scale. This year, the company won the bid for 300 million dollar worth subway construction in Singapore. Ssangyong surely is setting its foot on the overseas construction market.

As soon as the ICD proposed a vision to make Ssangyong E&C a world class constructor, a plan to propel a Triangular Hub strategy that connects Dubai, Singapore, and Korea is under progress.

"Although the future for construction market looks dim, Ssangyong E&C has placed 13 branches and 5 corporation around the world, and the company is currently under construction of 22 different projects in 8 different countries including Dubai, Singapore and Malaysia. Ssangyong E&C's revival was possible due to expertise that the company has on advanced, high-tech construction, and this revival is what's forcing the new recruits for more employees.