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CEO(Sign of the snake) keeps working hard


It is no exception this year to spend time with workers abroad at the end of the year and at the beginning also
Also meeting main ordering bodies… targeting overseas markets such as Iraq
Ssangyong E&C Chairman & CEO S.Joon,Kim, who is famous for being with construction workers abroad at both the end of the year and the beginning too, visits Kurdistan and Iraq from December 28th to January 1st.

The reason why he decided to go to a filtration plant and water supply construction site in Kurdistan, even if it takes 15 hours by plane and five more hours by car on a bumpy road, is that it is a symbolic project to pioneer a new market successfully.

Since 2008, Ssangyong E&C has made efforts to enter into a new market and has won a 230 million-dollar order in September. The construction is a big scale 650 km long road earthwork project, which an independent Kurdish government made order with the aid of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Especially it was not just competition among domestic construction companies, but in competition with the world ranked second placed French construction company, VINCH (chosen by ENR). It has been interpreted as a good example of exploring a new market since the order was made under the condition that 20% be received in advance

Ssangyong E&C Chairman & CEO S.Joon,Kim is to meet staff to help them to overcome their feelings of homesickness. He will also meet the Kurdish government authorities and visit Qatar, who will host the World Cup, on the way home. After returning home, he said that he would think about how to target overseas markets such as Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Oman.

He has been visiting construction sites overseas since he was appointed as chairman in 1983. He has a belief that nothing is more important than to spend the end of the year with hardworking staff. It is further worth noting that he has been visiting an expressway construction site in a remote area in India over a period of six years.

And with a plant in Iran, he had to transfer flights five times when he visited the plant in 1992. Also in Chusok, 1986, he set a record for spending 54 hours in airplanes and cars out of a 72 hour-business trip in which he visited ten construction sites in three countries.