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Habitat for humanity for underprivileged people


Voluntary support among employees is a unique characteristic in social contribution activities of Ssangyong Engineering and Construction Co. The campaign began in 2005 after an in-company newsletter ran a column, titled “Sharing and Loving,” that shows underprivileged neighbors. In 2006, as part of its socially responsible management practices, Ssangyong Engineering launched a sustainable campaign named “Sharing 1% of Hope,” which encourages the company to help households in need nearby its construction sites. Under the campaign, if a household in need is recommended, Ssangyong’s newsletter team and employees at the construction site will visit the household and form a connection after donating money (3 million won) and other daily necessities.

Ssangyong Engineering, which underwent a workout following management turmoil in the wake of the 1997-98 financial crisis, has been the vanguard of campaigns to help underprivileged neighbors. In particular, Ssangyong’s new employees have joined a “habitat” movement every year, which has built and renovated homes for underprivileged people. Starting in 2003, Ssangyong signed an agreement with a Catholic social welfare center in the city Wonju, Gangwon province to encourage its new employees to do charitable activities there. Ssangyong is also fully supporting other charitable activities nationwide. As part of those efforts, Ssangyong employees, who work at a construction site at the Daepo port in Gangwon province, host a drop-in center for underprivileged people every Friday noon and provide lunch.