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Ssangyong SweetdotHome Apartment in Techno Valley in Daedeok, Daejeon wins the 10th Annual Good Apartment Prize


Ssangyong SweetdotHome Daedeok Techno Valley was awarded the 10th Annual Good Apartment Prize from the Maeil Business Newspaper. It is an apartment complex comprised of 366 units of 33 pyeong (109 ㎡) and 132 units of 35 pyeong (115㎡) They boast the best possible construction quality ever found despite relatively low sales prices compared to others in the neighborhood.

To the north of the complex lies a park. To its south, a walk leads to a Green-Belt area. All the buildings in the complex allow for south sun and command a fine view of the green area to the satisfaction of the residents.

The households on the top floor are provided with attics and villa-type ceilings. Thus, the complex is differentiated from others in the neighborhood in terms of overall layout, frontal view and landscaping.

The Company received the Good Apartment Prize from the Maeil Business Newspaper in 1997 for its apartment in Chang-dong, Seoul, in 2001 for the apartment in Bugok-dong, Busan, in 2003 for its apartment in Sang-dong, Bucheon, and in 2005 for its apartment near Gyeonghee Palace, Seoul.
The prize-awarding ceremony will be held on July 19 at Maeil Business Media Center.