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One out of eight visited? Lining up even inside the model house!


One out of eight adults in Gusan visited the model house, lining up inside and outside of the house making an unusual scene.
Its 4-bay or double-sided open type designs drew considerable attention along with its KRW 6.7 million-average sale price per 3.3㎡, convenient access to the Gunjang Industrial Complex and proximity to the Susong District all as part of its living sphere.
Phone call inquiries per day are over 1000.

Over the last weekend, as many as 20,000 people visited the model house for Gunsan Jigok Ssangyong Yega Complex, which had been opened on March 30 by Ssangyong E&C ( Chairman & CEO, S. Joon, Kim) in Gunsan, a small city with a population of 270,000.

Given there are about 170,000 adults aged 30 or more in Gunsan, then this number of visitors means that one out of eight people in the city showed up to see the model house.

There was even an unusual scene where people lined up dozens of meters along both inside and outside of the show-home, checking out the model units and seeking consultations for apartment sales. As the neighborhoods of Jigok-dong have had no new apartment sales over the last two years, there exists a strong, pent-up demand for new apartments in the area.

Kim, Kang Seok, Ssangyong E&C director for new apartment sales, said, “The 4-bay or double-sided open type designs, which were adopted, considering the structure and direction preferred by local consumers, attracted full attention. In addition, its relatively inexpensive average sale price of KRW 6.7 million per 3.3 ㎡, easy access to the Kunjang Industrial Complex, and proximity to the largest commercial district in Gunsan, known as Susong, appealed to potential buyers. Our work is almost being paralyzed by more than 1,000 phone call inquiries per day.”

Starting with special provision on April 4, subscriptions for priority rankings 1 and 2 will be received on April 5 and those for priority ranking 3, on April 6. After announcing winners on April 13, the apartment contracts will be open for signing for three days from April 18 to 20. Residents are expected to move into the apartments in July 2014
The show-home is located across from Lotte Mart in Susong-dong, Gunsan-si.