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أخبار الشركة

New Employees Learned the Value of Sharing


Ssangyong E&C’s 36 new employees visited the Hansarang village of the Green Umbrella Childfund Korea located in Shinwol-ri, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-shi, Gyeonggi-do from July 14 to 15 to help the disabled.

They helped physically and mentally challenged people with eating, taking a bath and taking a walk. They also gave their hand to repair facilities in the village.

Won Young Ju (28) said, “This is the first activity we performed since we started working for Ssangyong. It feels really great to share what I have with others. From this experience, I learned how I should care about others and count my blessings.”

Ssangyong E&C runs programs such as the habitat and boot camp for Marine Corps to train new employees, teaching them to learn the importance of cooperation, harmony and volunteerism, and to become competent employees at work.