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ASME authorizes Ssangyong E&C nuclear power generation construction


Ssangyong E&C (Chairman & CEO S.Joon, Kim) said it acquired ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) to enter overseas nuclear power generation construction,
for which it has been 20 years since authorization was last given.

ASME authorization is a must for overseas nuclear power generation construction, and it is given by ASME. Ssangyong E&C has not renewed the authorization since 1993. Since Ssangyong E&C has regained ASME authorization, that is necessary for nuclear power generation construction overseas, it can enter the market in NA (Nuclear Assembly) construction, NPT (Nuclear Parts) production, and NS (Nuclear Support) production.

Ssangyong E&C is qualified to participate in nuclear power generation construction domestically and overseas since it acquired KEPIC (Korea Electric Power Industry Code) authorization in December, 2011.

The director in plant business, S.Shik, Ahn said, “Ssangyong E&C can participate in nuclear power generation construction domestically and overseas, including decommissioning, because it has acquired both KEPIC authorization and ASME authorization, as well as construction experience in Samcheonpo thermoelectric power plants number 3 and 4.

Ssangyong E&C has been constructing 17 projects in eight countries worth 3 trillion won after the walkout. Ssangyong E&C is in its second best time and it has passed the challenging PQ civil engineering requirement. So far the in progress construction bidding has reached 23 trillion won.