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Ssangyong E&C won the KRW 200 billion Yale-NUS College Project


Yale's first overseas campus founded jointly with the National University of Singapore...
The project worth USD180 million which includes an eco-friendly campus based on the world renowned BCA Green Mark design...
Ssangyong has won KRW 500 billion worth of projects over the last month and is expecting more good news from the overseas market.

Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., concentrating most its competencies onto overseas businesses, succeeded in winning three projects KRW 500 billion over the last month.

SSANGYONG E&C (Chairman S. Joon Kim) announced that it recently obtained the Yale-NUS College construction project in Singapore for USD180 million dollars (approximately KRW 200 billion) following the orders from Iraq and Equotorial Guinea at the end of September.

The Yale-NUS college is jointly founded by Yale, a global top 10 school in the U.S. and the National University of Singapore, a very prestigious school in Asia, to nurture global talents in liberal arts. This will be a residential college where all its students will study and live on campus.
For the new school, five 13 to 28 floor dorm buildings accomodating 1,001 rooms in total as well as educational facilities including lecture halls, libraries, gyms and auditoriums in the 47,000㎡ land within National University of Singapore will be constructed.

To make it a world-class eco-friendly campus, Low-E glass boasting lower thermal conductivity and a Canopy Louver which passes air, but blocks sunlight, will be used to lower the inside temperature by up to 3℃
In addition, ecological ponds and systems recycling rainwater and construction wastes will be introduced aiming to earn the highest platinum grade, the BCA Green Mark, one of the world's top 3 eco-friendliness certifications. The construction will take 29 months from the end of this month. Move-in will start in January 2015.

SSANGYONG E&C said, "As the school has a symbolic value as a global college, the bidding was very competitive. But we were able to beat competitors since we received good grades in eco-friendly construction techniques such as the BCA Green Mark and site management." He added "since we are in a lot of bidding processes at the moment, we expect a series of good news from the Middle East and Africa as well as from Southeast Asia."

Pericles Lewis, the first president of the new school, recently made a speech on the development of Asian universities at the symposium, "Renaissance of liberal arts in Asian universities" hosted by Seoul National University on October 19.
SSANGYONG E&C is currently performing 18 construction projects worth USD3 billion dollars in 9 countries including Singapore, Malaysia, India, Pakistan and Iraq.

SSANGYONG E&C resolved its liquidity issue last month with the financial support of KRW 200 billion from five financial institutions including Woori Bank and the Korea Asset Management Corporation, its major shareholder. In addition, it is rapidly regaining its stability thanks to a series of orders from overseas markets.