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Ssangyong E&C Wins Hannuri Prize at the “5th Labor-Management of the Month” Awards


Ssangyong E&C won the Hannuri Prize at the “fifth labor-management of the month” Awards held by the Ministry of Labor on August 21 at the Gwacheon Government Complex.

The Hannuri Prize is awarded by the Minister of Labor to the company that made an outstanding contribution toward overcoming the financial crisis through labor-management cooperation and compromised negotiation. The award winner is given various administrative and financial benefits and preferential treatment in the evaluation of the candidates for the Labor-Management Cooperation Awards and Outstanding Labor-Management Culture Awards scheduled to be held in December.

The Ministry of Labor said that it chose Ssangyong E&C for its exemplary labor-management cooperation such as the labor union’s blind trust of the management on wage negotiation and participation in job sharing and job creation by recruiting 50 to 60 new workers every year after the IMF bailout.

It also said that Ssangyong E&C’s labor and management took the initiative in averting the crisis by proclaiming the “labor-management joint declaration” in April based on the shared feeling that labor-management should join hands to counter economic recession.

At the award ceremony, the labor Minister Lee Young-Hee said that he was deeply impressed by Ssangyong E&C’s consistent labor-management cooperation despite the difficult economic environment, stressing that the key to successful labor-management relations would be balanced relationships between the two parties and compromise.

At the ceremony, Ssangyong E&C’s president Kim, Byung Ho said that the company is striving to improve its system for its workforce as employees’ pride is as important as outstanding technological and business competence.

The head of the Ssangyong E&C labor union Kim Seong-Han said that a company can survive without a labor union, but not vice versa, emphasizing the importance of active labor-management cooperation as a stable foundation for the company in a time of crisis for the construction business.