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KSMBR technology wins presidential award


The KSMBR (Kowaco Ssangyong Membrane Bio-Reactor) technology won a presidential award at the Eighth Environment Technology Awards on Nov. 16.

The technology, jointly developed by Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co., Korea Water Resources Corp. and KMS, enables users to make sewage harmless with a homegrown high-precision filtering system. Since its commercialization in 2006, the KSMBR technology has been applied to a total of 110 sewage disposal plants, or valued at some 100 billion won (61,777 tons a day)

Also, the technology was cited as a good example of co-management among a large company, a state-run research center and a small- and medium-sized company. The KSMBR technology won seven local patents, one overseas patent, one trademark and one new technology certification.

Meanwhile, the Environment Technology Award, established in 1995, is one of the most prestigious awards in the field of environment-related technology. The presidential award is expected to pose a positive effect for the KSMBR technology to be applied to large-scale city development projects and national standardization of sewage treatment plants.

About 300 government officials and environment-related experts participated into the award ceremony. The participants included Lee Kyu-yong, the Minister of Environment, and Kim Young-hwa, head of an environment promotion committee.

The presidential award winner received 30 million won, while two prime minister award winners got 20 million each. Four awards from the environment minister received 10 million won each.