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Wins the work for Hwajeon Industrial District sector 3 in FEZ


On May 11, the consortium led by Ssangyong E&C won the work for Hwajeon District sector 3 in FEZ for a total of KRW 61.4 billion (Ssangyong’s portion: KRW17.2 billion or 28%). The work is for construction of an industrial complex sized 884,595 ㎡ (=267,590 pyeong), including four bridges, in Sinho-dong and Hawjeon-dong, Busan. The construction is for 42 months.

Of the entire 740,000-pyeong(=2,445,292㎡) Hwajeon District, which became the first among the sixteen districts in the FEZ to obtain approval, 423,000 pyeong(=1,398,353㎡) will be developed as an industrial site, 75,000 pyeong(=247,935㎡) as a residential/support site, and 243,000 pyeong(=803,309㎡) as a space for parks and green areas.