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Wins a Clean Plus Club certification plaque


On April 20, Ssangyong E & C won a Clean Plus Club certification plaque. Hankook Ilbo hosts Clean Plus Club, and it is sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE), the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI), the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), the Korea Federation of Small Businesses (KFSB) and Lime Globe. The honor is presented to a business, which plays a leading role in ethical and transparent management activities.

In April 2004, Ssangyong E&C established e-Root (www.eroot.co.kr), an e-Commerce Site dedicated to bidding for the purchase of construction materials and placing orders for sub-contract work which enabled sub-contractors to place bids and make payment electronically, completely eliminating the chances of bribery and abuse.

In 2005, Ssangyong E&C’s President sent official letters to all subcontractors, asking them not to send gifts to its employees on special occasions, in addition to making efforts to find good-quality subcontractors and provide all possible support for them, to lay the groundwork for the win-win business operation with subcontractors from the early 1990s.