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Mr. S. Joon Kim presided over the joint conference of Korea-France High Level Businessmen’s Club


Mr. S. Joon Kim, Chairman of Ssangyong E&C, visited France and Germany in the capacity of Korean-side chairman of the Korea-France High Level Businessmen’s Club.

The occasion was organized concurrently with President Kim Dae-Jung’s visit to four European countries. Mr. S. Joon Kim presided over ""The 6th Joint Conference of Korea-France High Level Businessmen’s Club"" held in Paris on March 7 under the joint auspices of the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) and Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF), as its French counterpart.

In the breakfast meeting prior to the plenary conference, President Kim Dae-Jung delivered a keynote address followed by questions and answers time. The plenary conference was held on the subjects as ‘Changes in Korean Business Structure and Industrial Cooperation between Korea and France’ and ‘Activation of Trade and Investment Cooperation and Expansion of Industrial Cooperation between Two Countries.’

The conference was attended by more than 100 French business dignities including Mr. Francois Xavier Ortoli, Honorary Chairman of MEDEF and former Minister of Economy, Finance & Industry and their Korean counterparts including Mr. Kim Young Ho, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy.

Mr. S. Joon Kim attended dinners for a national guest, hosted by President of France Mr. Jacques Chirac, on March 6 and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin on March 7 respectively. The following day in Germany, he attended a forum on the economy of Korea and the luncheon hosted by the State Governor of Hessen.