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High and Mighty : The 51 story Emirates Towers Hotel completed ahead of schedule


Dubai’s claim to the tallest building in the Middle East and Europe has been sealed with the completion of the Emirates twin towers project. The towers are the third tallest paired structures in the world. Tenants are being signed up for the taller 335-metre tower and the 305-metre hotel tower is reported to be doing brisk business . Lead consultant Hyder of the UK announced in early June the completion of the project two months ahead of schedule and four years after preparation of the first engineering drawings.
「Quoted from MEED / 16 June, 2000」

Ssangyong was the main contractor for the hotel tower, the third tallest hotel in the world, in joint venture with Besix of Belgium. The 51-storey Emirates Towers Hotel, which has 400 bedrooms, 17 hectares of landscaped garden, parking for 1,800 cars, and internet and e-mail facilities in every room, has taken three years to complete.