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Grand Hyatt Dubai Hotel

사업 정보
Location Dubai 
Completion Date February / 2003 
Client The Government of Dubai 
Project Overview 4 buildings / 22 stories, 674 hotel rooms / 186 housing units  
Total Area 175,817㎡  

The Grand Hyatt Dubai, a royal commission, consists of a luxury hotel and apartments. It boasts a majestic scale and quality unrivaled by any other hotel in the world.

The lush indoor atrium adjacent to the main lobby houses trees and plants flown in from Malaysia and Thailand by Boeing 747cargo planes and C-130 Hercules troop transport planes on five occasions at the instructions of the Royal Family. The plants and trees flown in at night were immediately transported to the construction site, skipping customs inspection to maintain the best possible condition for planting.

The hotel’s bathroom floors and walls are covered with gold-coated tiles. For this reason, special supervisors were stationed day and night during the installation of the tiles to prevent theft.

Seen from above, the hotel and the apartments together look like UAE’s national bird, an eagle flying with wings spread. The hotel was named one of the top three of its kind in Dubai when it was completed.