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Ssangyong E&C Co., Ltd won the order to construct the extensions for Indonesia’s Aceh Road/Bridge Reconstruction and Rehabilitation


Constructed the extensions for Indonesia’s Aceh Road/Bridge Reconstruction and Rehabilitation…A total of 13 km of a coastal road and four bridges, etc.
Received orders from the U.S. Agency for Inter-national Dev’t (USAID)…Met the U.S.’s strict federal acquisition regulations
Expectation of future project orders to support developing and underdeveloped countries

Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (Chairman & CEO: S. Joon Kim) announced that it recently single-handedly won the bid to construct the extensions of Indonesia’s Aceh Road/Bridge Reconstruction and Rehabilitation from USAID (U.S. Agency for Inter-national Dev’t) for US$26 million (about KRW 31.7 billion).

This project involves the construction of 13 km worth of a coastal road and four bridges along the section from Banda Aceh to Calang, in Indonesia, which was damaged by the worst tsunami in Indonesian history, in 2004. Though the scale of the project is small, it strictly adheres to the U.S.’s strict federal acquisition regulations.
A total of five companies participated in the tender, including Indonesia’s leading civil engineering construction company, PT.Hutama Karya.
Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd received high praise from abroad for its diverse construction civil engineering achievements, such as the order from USAID to construct a 104 km coastal road in 2007, which was Indonesia’s largest tsunami recovery project.

According to a company official, “We can now expect additional project orders from USAID to support developing and underdeveloped countries as we have now successively won construction orders that adhere to the U.S.’s federal acquisition regulations.”

Meanwhile, Ssangyong Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd successfully completed Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands Hotel, called a miracle of modern architecture, last June. The company has also carried out 27 projects (including the construction of 12 roads) in Indonesia, including the Plaza Indonesia Extension, the Tanjung Priok Tank Terminal Project, and the Jambi-Muara Bungo Road.