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The 2nd Ssangyong Yega Design Contest


The industry’s first contest for professional artists…the prize-winning works to be displayed in actual apartment complexes
Decorative art and environmental sculptures, etc., using environment-friendly materials…combining art and environment-friendly technologies
Prize money of KRW40 million in total, qualification to be displayed at an exhibition and to work as a representative designer of Ssangyong Yega

With the government furnishing incentives to the outstanding designs and environment-friendly apartments, a construction company is drawing attention from the public and the industry alike by holding an open competition for professional artists on the apartment decor via combination of arts and eco-friendly concept.
Ssangyong E&C (CEO & Chairman Kim, S.Joon) announced its plan to hold “the 2nd Ssangyong Yega Design Contest,” for its Yega Apartment Complex which ends on June 30th.

This contest is divided into the professional artist section for current artists and alumni with art or design-related majors (university graduates and higher), and the student section for students in the major of architecture, landscape and design who are enrolled in a two-year junior college or a graduate school.

The professional artist section will involve environment-friendly decorative art designs and environmental sculptures of a quality that could actually be installed in the Ssangyong Yega Complex. A total of KRW26 million in cash prizes and medals will be awarded: KRW10 million to the winning entry, KRW5 million to two entries of excellence, and KRW2 million as an encouragement prize to three other entries.
Most notably, the winner of the first prize will have the privilege of holding a full exhibition and will work as Ssangyong Yega’s representative artist for a period of one year.

The student section of the contest will be held under the theme of green home technology involving creative apartment designs. The winners will not only be awarded with a total of KRW14 million in cash prizes and medals but also begiven a preferential treatment should they apply for a position in Ssangyong E&C.

An official from Ssangyong E&C said, “The competition for professional artists we held for the first in the industry in 2008 was received very favorably. In this note, we decided to substantially widen the range of contestants and awards for this year.” Some of the prize-winning works from the first contest are currently on display in the Ssangyong Yega Complex in Byeolnae New Town whose presale was complete in last year. This year’s prize-winning entries will be displayed in a complex that will go on the presale market in the future.”

The prize winning entries of the contest will go through the first and second screening rounds and be announced on the homepage of Ssangyong E&C (www.ssyapt.com) on October 1st (Friday).